
Venture Capital 101 with Waterman Ventures

Waterman Ventures Managing Partner Ludwig Schulze

Join us for a 45-minute Venture Capital 101 presentation covering key documents, stages, and the basic principles of venture capital investing. The presentation will be led by Waterman Ventures’ Managing Partner Ludwig Schulze and is open to all alumni and friends of Brown.

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This event has already occurred. If you attended the webinar, please check your inbox for a recording. If you were unable to attend but wish to learn more about Waterman Ventures please book a call with one of our Senior Partners or register for an upcoming webinar.

And in the meantime, learn more about Waterman Ventures Managing Partner, Ludwig Schulze, by watching the video below:

See video policy below.

During the session, we will discuss:

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    The stages of venture capital
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    Key aspects of investing (theme-building, sourcing, and winning deals, etc.)
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    Important documents involved in investing
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    Examples of what to look for when evaluating deals

Note: You must be accredited to invest in venture capital. Important disclosure information can be found at av-funds.com/disclosures

About your presenter

Ludwig Pierre Schulze
Ludwig Pierre Schulze

Managing Partner, Waterman Ventures & 116 Street Ventures

Ludwig has been on all sides of venture — as an entrepreneur, corporate buyer of ventures, and venture capitalist. Before Alumni Ventures, he experienced the daily realities of entrepreneurship as Founder and CEO of a mobile payments venture that served over 12 million people. Earlier, at a Fortune 100 telecommunications manufacturer (Nokia), he held general manager and business development roles that included investing in and acquiring venture-backed businesses. His first experience in venture capital was with an $800 million global fund that focused on enterprise and mobile software both before and after the dot.com crash. Ludwig began his career as a strategy consultant with the Boston Consulting Group. He has a BA from Brown University and an MBA from Columbia. He lives in NYC with his wife and 2 teenagers.

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